The SteamAPI Registercallresult is a call that registers a Game Server on the master server. Registering your game server on Steam provides you with many additional features, such as:
- Dedicated server hosting through Steam - Publishing of content updates to all registered users automatically and free of charge. - Ability to set up web pages for your Game Server and view stats for your players, including number of active games and peak player activity times. - Support for in-game purchases and donations through the Steam Wallet system. To create a Game Server and register it with Steam, you must:
- Create a Game Server and launch it.
- Download the SteamCMD Tool from
- Configure your client to use SteamCMD for installs and updates.
- Run the command 'Regsheregistered' in the SteamCMD client in order to do this. To do so, you need to navigate to the 'SteamCMD' directory and type './steamcmd +login
- Log into Steam and go to the 'Manage Game Servers' page. - Click on the 'Add Game Server' button, and fill in your game server details. - Exit Steam via the task bar icon. - Re-launch Steam with your game server open, which will now display the new game server as an option in the server drop down menu, allowing you to connect to it directly (or generate a LAN game). Once registered, you can use these commands:
/listgameservers - Displays information about all currently existing servers (client games). /registergame - Registers one or more game servers with Steam. /unregistergame - Unregisters any set of game servers with Steam. /addplayertn, /removeplayertn, /reginfo, /reginfoall - Provides information about a specific client connected to a server. /popinfo - Lists the list of connected players to the registered game server. - See STEAM_SERVERCREDS to find out which account is authorized to use this command via UPNP.
See also : https://www.steampowered. com/index.php?area=game-server-developers
Example: //Game_Server_Name is the name of your Game Server as it appears in Steam. This can be whatever you like, but must be unique and not the same as any other game servers on Steam.
Result: SteamAPI Registercallresult;
//Checking for success (status == 0)
Example 2: (using namechange command)
//Game_Server_Name is the name of your Game Server as it appears in Steam. This can be whatever you like, but must be unique and not the same as any other game servers on Steam.
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